The innovative, patented Vacustyler® Avantgarde offers new dimensions in body, skin and health care. The process impresses with its biophysiological vacuum and pressure waves. It has its roots in space medicine. It is proven and safe. And it is easy to use and profitable!



Space missions happen in zero gravity. Weightlessness leads to complications for astronauts. The heart is no longer strong enough to ensure adequate blood flow to the lower extremities. The solution: a lower body negative pressure device. A develooped ment by the German Aerospace Society (DLR) and NASA. Vacustyler® Avantgarde is the result of our research collaboration with DLR. The space project: STS-90 NEUROLAB. If you would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to request further information.



The Vacustyler® Avantgarde rhythmically applies negative and positive pressure waves. These act on and through the skin of the lower extremities, abdomen and buttocks. You find the massage relaxing and very pleasant. The unit of measurement is mmHg or mbar. Also crucial: the duration of the waves in seconds (sec). This is optimally preset in automatically running application programs. You find the massage relaxing and very pleasant.



By applying negative and positive pressure, your blood and lymph vessels are rhythmically expanded and compressed. It's like a second external heart. In addition, shear forces arise such as during intensive training in the gym or on the track. You train your vessels from the inside out and measurably increase your microcirculation. The entire organism benefits from this. The additional red/near infrared module helps to tighten your connective tissue. Because we only believe what we can measure.



After a Vacustyler® Avantgarde massage, you will feel relaxed, vital and in great shape. The skin becomes firmer and smoother. It supports your weight loss program from the inside out. And it supports your health because it increases the flow in your vessels and nerves and the communication of cells throughout the entire organism. At the same time, you prevent cardiovascular diseases and increase your physical and mental performance. And there is also something in it for men's health. If "longevity" is the issue, here is the solution.



A negative pressure massage with Vacustyler® Avantgarde only takes 25 minutes. You can even remain clothed during use. Transparent disposable pants are used in conjunction with the switchable red/near-infrared tightening light. The patented technology is made of aluminum and measures 225 x 80 x 130 cm (LWH). Weight: 145kg. 230V / 1,300VA. Other voltage: possible. Standard color: Alpine white. Upholstery color: turquoise. Individual paint and upholstery color: possible. CE marked for commercial applications. Made in Germany.



The patented Vacustyler® Avantgarde with its origins in space technology leads to good treatment results and happier clients. No matter whether young or old, man or woman: everyone benefits from the increase in the >flow< in the organism. You get more referrals. And that has a positive effect on your USP. In addition to gyms and spas, the best locations are health centers, cryo centers or centers for holistic anti-aging and longevity. It doesn't tie up any staff, uses hardly any electricity and is extremely profitable. Don't hesitate to contact us today.

Customer Benefits

Why Vacustyler® Avantgarde?

Return of Investment

The applications only take 25 minutes. That's enough for optimal treatment results. The price of the innovative treatment - whether as a single application or a subscrption - brings a return on investment in less than half a year.

high quality products

The devices are designed for daily professional use of 20 applications and more. They are produced and developed in Germany.

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